TechCare Global LLC

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Denial Management

Empower Your Revenue Stream with Streamlined Denial Management Solutions

Our experts utilize a simplified approach to track every claim, ensuring effective AR recovery by managing the aging process efficiently. TechCare Global medical billing organization has a 97% pass rate with support for denied claims as well

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Explore Our Denial Management Solutions

Pinpointing Denial Root Causes for Efficient Resolution

We dive deep to uncover the core reasons behind claim denials.

Creating a robust system

Monitoring the status of resubmitted claims through consistent follow-up procedures

Denial Classification

Reason categorization and team assignment for swift denial resolution

Creating a Proactive Prevention Mechanism

Developing an exceptional checklist to understand top denial reasons and effective handling techniques.

Initiating Reclaims for Processing

After gathering the revised claims from the appropriate departments, we initiate the resubmission process

Supervising Subsequent Claims

Establishing a Secondary Evaluation Process Derived from denial reasons to prevent subsequent rejections.

Denial Management Solutions

Boosting Collection Rates

Our Denial Management is ready to elevate your payment recovery rates. Our Skilled team can pinpoint the exact reason for denied claims and will equip you with the necessary tools for swift resolutions. Through our software suite, our dedicated staff will filter out all the denied claims and will follow up for rectification, ensuring a streamlined resolution process.


Denial Management Solutions

Implementing Rule-Based Denial Prevention

With TechCare Global system our advanced denial management in healthcare claim scrubbing tool, we not only successfully detect errors before submitting claims but it is also designed to point out the errors to make it right. Our Tool follows Customized guidelines to make sure that we cater to every individual’s needs according to their requirement. Our denial management in medical billing will help medical professionals sort out and fix common mistakes like LCD Policy Violations, Payer requirements, and gender-specific regulations before submitting claims to insurance companies. Our system helps prevent your claims from being rejected before they’re even submitted

Reduce Billing Claim Denials and Boost Your Medical Revenue Up to 30%

Claim denials are a major source of lost revenue for healthcare providers. They can result from errors in medical billing and coding. BellMedEx medical billing service prevents these errors by ensuring claim submission that’s compliant with payer rules and regulations.