TechCare Global LLC

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Audit Services for Medical Billing

Medical Billing Audit

You dedicate yourself to delivering quality care to your patients, but are you receiving the compensation you deserve? Errors in medical billing can result in lost revenue, denied claims, and potential legal complications. That’s why medical billing audit solutions are imperative.

TechCare Global provides healthcare coding and compliance audit services. Our certified medical claims auditors meticulously review a provider’s claims for accuracy, compliance, and optimization, with real-time issue resolution. Don’t jeopardize your practice. Contact us today and let us alleviate your auditing concerns.

Claim Free Audit

Audit Services for Medical Billing

What Medical Audit Services Do We Offer?

Medical Coding Audit

We do medical coding audits for all types of medical records, including inpatient, outpatient, profee, and home health.

Medical Billing Audit

We do medical billing audits for all types of claims, including Medicare, Medicaid, commercial, and self-pay.

Government & Payor Mandated Audit

We prepare providers for and respond to government and payor mandated audits, such as TPE, RAC, OIG, DMEPOS, and Medical Necessity.

Clinical Audits

We conduct internal and external clinical audits to assess the quality and safety of your patient care and clinical outcomes.

HIM Audit

We perform HIM audits to evaluate health information management functions like record retention and destruction, data integrity, & EHR.

ISO Audit

We assist healthcare organizations with ISO 15189 and ISO 13485 audits to help them achieve or maintain the ISO certification for their organization.
Medical Auditing Solutions

Improve Clinical Outcomes and Reduce Compliance Risk

Improve Clinical Outcomes and Reduce Compliance Risk


Our medical records specialist Services ensure compliance with billing standards, improve clinical results, and protect healthcare professionals from any potential fraud that could lead to loss. However, conducting audits can be very hard for doctors and hospitals as it requires a professional team having expertise in conducting medical billing audit to avoid any kind of unintentional mistakes you didn’t mean to make to avoid any kind of conflicts with regularities and prioritize what matters most- your patients. Therefore all healthcare professionals need a certified electronic health records specialist along with healthcare coding and compliance audit services company.

TechCare Global is an experienced medical claims auditing firm with over 10 years of experience serving in the medical industry. our medical records specialist use advanced data analytics to conduct thorough and objective audits, we also help extract detailed reports, recommendations, actions, and support for appeal where it is needed  

We are confident that our services can help eliminate coding and billing errors, optimize reimbursement, enhance compliance, reduce risk, increase efficiency, and boost patient satisfaction for healthcare organizations as we are certified electronic health records specialist




Are you in the dark about
the quality of your medical records?

Let us shed some light on them!
Medical ISO Audit Services

Improve Your Lab’s Operations with our ISO 15189 Audit

ISO 15189 is the standard for quality and competence in medical laboratories. It specifies the requirements for a quality management system that covers all aspects of laboratory activities, from pre-examination to post-examination processes.

ISO 15189 Audit Services by TechCare helps medical laboratories comply with the international standards and regulations. Our medical audit service helps labs to:

Complete Medical Audit Solutions

We Optimize Your Medical Billing and Coding Processes

Internal Audit

We conduct an in-depth review of your internal processes and documentation to ensure that they meet the industry standards. We also provide recommendations to help providers improve their performance.

Prospective Audit

We evaluate your claims before they are submitted to the payers, to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and compliant. We help you prevent any denials, rejections, or delays in reimbursement.

Comprehensive Audit

We provide a holistic approach to auditing your entire medical practice. We examine all aspects of your operations, from coding and billing to documentation and compliance. We help you achieve the highest level of quality and profitability.

External Audit

We perform an independent assessment of your claims and payments from third-party payers like Medicare and Medicaid. We resolve billing disputes, recover underpayments, and work with aged receivables.

Retrospective Audit

We analyze your claims after they have been processed by the payers, to identify any errors. We help you correct any mistakes, appeal any denials, and optimize your revenue cycle.

Retrospective Audit

We analyze your claims after they have been processed by the payers, to identify any errors. We help you correct any mistakes, appeal any denials, and optimize your revenue cycle.
Medical Chart Reviews and Validations

Enhance Your Data Quality and Compliance

TechCare Global has certified doctors, auditors, and clinicians who can perform various types of reviews on your medical charts, such as:

  • Risk Adjustment Data Validation

    We can verify the accuracy of your risk adjustment data, such as diagnosis codes, hierarchical condition categories (HCCs), and risk scores. This can help you optimize your reimbursement, avoid penalties, and improve patient outcomes.

  • Data Abstraction Review

    We extract and abstract relevant data from your medial charts, such as diagnosis, procedures, medications, lab results, and quality measures. We also verify the accuracy of data entry in your EHR or other systems.

  • Charge Validation

    We review your charge capture process to ensure the charges billed to the payers are accurate and supported by the documentation in the medical chart. We also identify and resolve any undercharges or overcharges that may affect your revenue cycle.

  • Medical Chart Reviews

    Our clinical auditors performs various types of medical chart reviews, such as inpatient, outpatient, radiology, DME audit, mammography audit, etc. We assess the quality of the care provided, the compliance with the coding and documentation standards, and the adherence to the clinical guidelines.

TCG Auditing Solutions To Date

0 +
Satisfied Providers
0 K+
Audits Performed
Coding Errors Resolved
0 +
Lost Revenue Recovered

Are your claim submissions accurate?

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