TechCare Global LLC

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Medical Revenue Cycle Management

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

In a Dynamic healthcare landscape, TechCare Global acknowledges the challenges and hurdles medical professionals goes through for revenue cycle management healthcare  with the evolving regulations and financial shifts, At TCG our revenue cycle management services will make sure your facility thrives financially and on the other hand keep the patients satisfied as well. We recognize the uniqueness of every medical services provider, Our diversified RCM services are tailored to meet every specific need with our 24/7 Medical Revenue Cycle Management professionals, we ensure timely collections and reimbursements, identify revenue opportunities, and manage denied claims, Using Our Systems Our Clients will get to enhance their tasks, improve healthcare outcomes, reduce operational costs, and improvise overall patient experience.

What We Offer You

TCG, our extensive experience spans decades, collaborating with hospitals and healthcare systems. Our team comprises specialists deeply attuned to the pains and challenges faced by healthcare professionals and organizations. Whether you’re transitioning to value-based reimbursements or integrating a newly acquired physicians group into your system, TCG offers comprehensive, tailored solutions.

End-to-End RCM Service Features by Tech Care Global

  1. Claim creation, validation, and transmission
  2. Entering valid super-bill information
  3. Claim approval confirmation
  4. Claim status tracking
  1. Processing of payments from the payers
  2. Processing of adjustments and denials
    Reconciling payments to the provider’s claims
  1. Following up with payers for unpaid claims
  2. Following up with payers for underpaid claims
  3. Contact payers on a provider’s behalf
  4. Negotiating and resolving claim disputes
  1. Monitors your key performance indicators
  2. Analyzes days in accounts receivable
  3. Analyzes claim denial rate and collection rate
  4. Comprehensive and customizable reports
  5. Advanced data visualization tools
  1. Collecting patient payments
  2. Managing initial statement + final notice
  3. Sending clean bills and reminders to patients
  4. Convenient payment options for patients
  1. Reduces the aging of outstanding A/R
  2. A/R workflow optimization
  3. Claim approval confirmation
  4. Collecting A/R collections from the payers and patients
  1. Coding provider’s services compliantly
  2. Using the latest coding standards and guidelines
  3. Capturing relevant details that support a provider’s claims
  4. Justifying a provider’s reimbursement for their services
  5. Performing medical bill audits
  1. Capturing and validating the service charges
  2. Leveraging charge sheets and EHRs
  3. Ensuring charges are consistent with coding and documentation
  4. Reconciling your charges with your claims
  5. Reconciling charges with your contractual agreements with the payers
  1. Managing contractual agreements with the payers
  2. Determining how much you get paid for your services
  3. Reviewing and negotiating your contracts
  4. Monitoring the contracts’ compliance
  5. Analyzing the contract performance
  6. Using metrics like contract yield and case mix index (CMI)
  1. Collecting patient payments
  2. Managing initial statement + final notice
  3. Sending clean bills and reminders to patients
  4. Convenient payment options for patients

Access Comprehensive Reporting & Analytics with Our RCM Platform

Deep Dive into Revenue Insights

Explore the intricacies of your revenue cycle through our customizable and detailed reports. Tailor, filter, and export your medical billing data to align with your specific needs and preferences.

Unified Oversight for Diverse Practices

Seamlessly oversee multiple facilities and locations through our RCM reporting dashboard. Consolidate and compare data from different sites and groups in a single, specialized dashboard for each distinct specialty.

Data-Driven Decisions

Gain invaluable insights into key metrics and trends in your revenue billing process through our interactive analytics dashboard. Compare your performance against industry benchmarks and pinpoint areas for improvement

Fortified Data Security

Your data is safeguarded with the latest encryption and authentication technologies within our RCM reporting dashboard, ensuring protection against unauthorized access and breaches.

Instant Communication Hub

Utilize our integrated chat system to connect instantly with our RCM experts, patients, and insurance payers for quick feedback, issue resolution, and real-time interaction

Seamless Data Integration

Our RCM reporting dashboard supports diverse formats and standards, allowing you to integrate your data effortlessly with other systems and platforms for enhanced interoperability.

TechCare Global Billing by the Numbers

0 %
Claim Approval
0 %
Fast Reimbursements
0 %
Payer-Provider-Patient Satisfaction
0 %
Overall Score


Our medical Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) service enhances cash flow by minimizing bad debt and underpayments through accurate and timely claim submission and follow-up

Our healthcare Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) solution offers insights into Accounts Receivable (A/R) performance, including metrics like days in A/R, A/R aging, and A/R turnover

Our adaptable and scalable Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) platform aligns with evolving payer requirements, ensuring maximum reimbursements for providers

Our proactive and preventive approach addresses the root causes of denials, leading to high recovery rates and strengthened revenue integrity

Leveraging our RCM experts and advanced EHR platform, we automate manual processes for accurate and efficient claim submission

Our patient-centric RCM service includes telehealth features to strengthen the patient-payer relationship, fostering satisfaction

Our medical billing platform provides an automated estimate of the patient's out-of-pocket costs prior to the service, ensuring a transparent and seamless experience

Enhance collection by 40%.

Leveraging a team of seasoned experts, our comprehensive revenue cycle management ensures a seamless payment cycle, optimizing your profitability margin.

Reduce Account Receivables by up to 30%

Our proactive approach includes consistent follow-ups on all claims, guaranteeing timely reimbursements. Our dedicated team specializes in expert Aging A/R Recovery.

Minimize Billing Claim Denials and Increase Medical Revenue by up to 30%

Claim denials pose a significant threat to healthcare providers’ revenue streams, often stemming from errors in medical billing and coding. TechCare Global’s medical billing service mitigates these risks by ensuring compliant claim submissions that adhere to payer rules and regulations, thus preventing errors and subsequent denials.